Frank H. Lathrap, Jr.



Opechee, Michigan, May 6, 1889

Date of Death:

May 6, 1919

Hero Bio:

Frank Herbert Lathrap, Junior, was born in Opechee, Michigan, May 6th, 1889. He received his education in Calumet, Michigan, Salt Lake City, Utah, and in the University of California at Berkeley. An engineer by profession, he served with the Great Western Power Company of California for a number of years, then with the Nevada Consolidated Copper Company, and finally became Chief Engineer of the Ruth Mine, a part of the Nevada Consolidated Copper Company’s holdings. On July 23d, 1918, he entered the service from Ruth, White Pine County, Nevada, going first to Berkeley, California, then to Fort Riley, Kansas.

Urgent need of men in the Medical Corps prevented him from having an opportunity to go to an officers’ training camp, where his experience and ability would naturally take him, and he was immediately sent to France (September 1st, 1918), as a private attached to Base Hospital 86. On the 1st of October he was made a corporal, and on April 21st, 1919, a sergeant. Two weeks later on his birthday, (May 6th, 1919), he died of diphtheria at Camp Hospital 85, Montaur, France, and was buried in the United States military burying ground at St. Nazaire, France. Sergeant Frank Lathrap’s death deprived the State of Nevada of an able citizen and a son whose name will never be forgotten. He came from a family of true Americans who gave four sons at their country’s call. Besides himself three brothers were in the service, Lloyd J. Lathrap, (Captain of Engineers), 2950 Regent Street, Berkeley, California; Earl P. Lathrap, (348th Field Artillery), Ruth, Nevada, and Cecil A. Lathrap, (Engineer Corps) 1231 Curtis Street, Berkeley, California. Their father, F. H. Lathrap, may well be proud of the four boys who upheld his name. His address is 504 Hobart Building, San Francisco, California.

Rank in Death:


Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Medical Detachment Base Hospital, No. 86
